Monday, July 23, 2007

Name That Book, Part 2

I know I said I'd post this Friday, but, well, life happens.

I've narrowed down the list to the ten I think would work best (in alphabetical order) and now it's your turn to vote. Looks like Isabel, Maggie, Kelly, Tessa, Bill, and Bev are in the running for the prize. (There's one in there that I have to attribute to both Tessa and Bill, since Tessa suggested Unbridled Passion and Bill suggest Unbridled Filly. But I cut it down to one word. So if that one wins, I reckon we'll have to flip a coin for the prize.)

  1. A Tantalizing Offer
  2. Lady of Scandal
  3. Passion's Prize
  4. Reins of Desire
  5. Scandal's Offer
  6. Sensual Surrender
  7. Sin's Reward
  8. The Greatest Prize
  9. The Bridal Path
  10. Unbridled
All right, vote away. You can vote by number or the actual name. (And I'm only counting one vote per customer, so stuffing the ballot box won't help ya!)


lacey kaye said...


Tessa Dare said...

Okay, with complete objectivity - I will gladly cede any prize to Bill - I'm voting for "Unbridled."

I just love it - it's intriguing and sexy - and it could have series potential. What's next? "Untamed," or "Undaunted," to be followed by your paranormal shifter crossover, "Unleashed," etc. :)


Kelly Krysten said...

I don't know. Lots of them are sooo good. I think 'The Bridal Path' still resonates with me the most though. It's fun and makes me want to at least read the back blurb.

caramaena said...

I still like the Bridal Path.

Ann Aguirre said...


I like the double meaning. Plus it sounds like something by Susan Johnson and that can only help.

Darcy Burke said...

I think Tessa has talked me into Unbridled and I wasn't loving it! I still like No Greater Prize. :-) (But then I LOVED A Scandalous Liaison.)

lacey kaye said...

Unleashed. Snicker.

Anonymous said...

And it's "Unbridled" by a nose...

but I still like The Bridal Path, too. I'd use it myself if I knew one damn thing about horses.

Lady Leigh said...

I like Passion's Prize.

I'll cast a vote for Unbridled as well! Though, not being a big horse person, it doesn't totally draw me in. I like the double entendre, though.

Good luck with your partials!!!!

Tessa Dare said...

Not to beat a dead horse - hahahah.

"The Bridal Path" is an absolutely adorable title and a hilarious play on words, but it sounds ... sweet. Sedate. It creates an image of meandering along a flat trail to a pleasant, yet predictable conclusion.

It's like having a romance about ski instructors and calling it "The Bunny Slope." Cute, but it doesn't have that sense of danger and sexiness you could get with "Black Diamond."

You need something sexy, edgy, bold... something that conveys the throwing off of social restrictions. It doesn't have to be "Unbridled," but that's the reason I like that particular one.

And I'll shuddup now.

Bill Clark said...

Yeah, I'll go with "Unbridled", because then Tessa and I can share the prize - it's like getting two votes instead of one. Who says we can't stuff the ballot box? ;-)

Obviously, the book should be dedicated to me and Tessa if we win. However, I think you ought to mention everyone who contributed (even Erica) in the acknowledgments, don't you, Jacq?

This was fun! Got any more books in search of a title?

Bill Clark said...

This is weird: I was *sure* I wrote "Tessa and me..." - did my evil twin take over and change the post while it was winging its way through cyberspace? Anyhow, it's somebody's culpa (the ET's!) that it came out wrong. Sorry, Tessa!

Erica Ridley said...

Tessa, you have excellent logic.

Bill, you kill me.

Lace--your vision of Unleashed matches my own. Snicker. I hope that's the sequel...

B.E. Sanderson said...

I'll cast a vote for Unbridled. I like one word titles. =o)

Gillian Layne said...

Hi Jacqueline!

I like Sin's Reward., and Reins of Desire.

Kelly Krysten said...

um...I shall cast another vote for Unleashed*snickers* Since Tessa makes a grand point about The Bridal Path.

Courtney Milan said...

Oh, unleashed.

Jackie Barbosa said...

Hm, I hope you meant to vote for _Unbridled_, CM and Kelly, because _Unleashed_ isn't on the table :->! (I seriously think we should send that one to Rachel Vincent. It definitely sounds like the perfect title for a sequel to _Stray_!).

lacey kaye said...

That is SO true!