Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Making Progress (Sort of)

I refer you once again to the lovely meters on the right hand side of the screen. Yes, 'tis true, 'tis true! I've finished my plot revisions to Living In Sin and have started writing new stuff again. All two and a half pages, LOL!

I have to admit, the revisions needed to accommodate the new plot line turned out to affect only a few scenes and only in small ways. Which is what I was hoping when I came up with the idea. I wasn't keen on making any major changes to what I'd already written. I was just looking for a way to get to The End a little more expeditiously.

And while I did manage to remove a few thousand words along the way, I regret to say that I added just as many, so I still have a manuscript that is way too long. In fact, for an Avon book, the desired length is between 90,000 and 95,000 words or between 360 and 384 pages. A quick glance at the Write-O-Meter will tell you that I'm currently sitting at exactly 384 pages and I'm easily 50-75 pages from the HEA.

There be a lot of cutting to do.

That said, I'm not going to touch the first 384 pages of this thing again until after I write The End. Nor am I letting anyone critique anything else between now and then. Trying to re-engineer the past is keeping me from the future, LOL!

So now, in the words of Jack Black as Dewey Finn, let's get rockin'!


lacey kaye said...

Wow, it turns a cool color when you hit 100%! I'm sooo jealous ;-)

Whhhhaaat? Barring me from reading the best part of LIS?! Nooooooo!!!

Just kidding. I totally agree with you. We'll have to just keep on keeping on with our daily status reports in order to keep us honest. Two pages! I'm writing it down. OOoh we could graph our, wait. Too nerdy. Rock on!

Jackie Barbosa said...

The cool color is just because I chose a bronze meter, not because I reached 100%.

And yes, I am barring you from reading any more of LIS. Sorry. I know you understand, though.

Writing only two pages with my whole day off yesterday was WEAK! But I got to the end of the steamy part of the love scene and have reached a patch of revelatory dialogue that has been in my head for ages and that should be a lot easier to write!

Jackie Barbosa said...

LOL on your way out of the scene (sounds like it would be perfect for a PG-13 FanLit entry, no?) and your comment for the GH judges.

I've already decided I'm not doing the GH this year. I might have a whole manuscript ready in time, but I'd rather wait until next year when I have two or more mansuscripts and can choose between them.

Of course, better yet, by that time, I'll have a contract with a publisher and not be eligible any more. Yeah, I know, I know, but a girl can dream, can't she?

lacey kaye said...

Yep. I haven't responded to this email thread yet but my answer is, even though I'd planned to enter the GH this year, and even though I can enter, I'm just not gonna. I think the whole point of the GH is to get editors to read your partial faster, or to request your full. So far, I haven't had any trouble getting requests. So I think my $50 is better spent on my shiny new personal trainer, who'd be MORE than happy to relieve me on it!

lacey kaye said...

WHOOPS! Can you say typo??? He's not going to relieve me on it, but relieve me OF it. /God!

Sarah Palmero said...

Yay finishing! Yay new stuff!

I can't enter the GH anymore. But I can't yet enter the Ritas. Ahh, limbo, my friend.

Good luck with the revisions.

Jackie Barbosa said...

Thanks, Sara. Actually, I'm done with revisions for the moment and am just trying to write new stuff. Which is not to say I've made all that much progress over the last two days, but hey, five pages is better than none, right?

Interesting you can't enter the GH or the Rita. I understand why not the Rita, but I always thought the "unpublished" category applied to anyone who wasn't pubbed by an "RWA recognized" publisher. But I have to admit, I haven't paid much attention to the rules!

Sarah Palmero said...

I have actually sold to an RWA-recognized publisher under another name. I did not sell a piece that was long enough for the RWA to consider me published. Therefore, limbo. Tricky, huh?