Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Presidents' Day!

Since it's a holiday, no big post from me. But come back tomorrow, as I'll do my Monday post then!

I'm off the IMAX theater with the husband and kiddies on a rainy day that's not even fit for fish, I swear!


Pam Skochinski said...

Rained here today too. We went to the mall to buy an anniversary gift for my hubby (can you believe all he wanted was pants?).

Mission accomplished, we then played in the play area of the food court, ate yummy mediterranian food and then came home for a nice long nap (the kids).

I've done nothing but write. . . all afternoon and into the evening (with a break for dinner) and as it approaches bedtime, I finally typed THE END on the second draft.

Jackie Barbosa said...

Hi Pam!

Happy anniversary. (My husband never wants anything for any gift-giving occasion (I was shocked that he came up with the idea of having his own iPod right before his birthday), so consider your husband's desire for pants a good thing *g!

You are SOOOOOO lucky to have been able to write all day. Color me jealous. And CONGRATULATIONS on reaching the end on your second draft. (Throws confetti and blows noisemaker.) Sa-weet!

lacey kaye said...

Yeah, I'm totally jealous, Pam!

Erica Ridley said...

What Monday post? Liar liar liar! =)

Jackie Barbosa said...

But Erica, I said I'd do my Monday post on Tuesday (e.g., tomorrow when I posted this). And I aim to do so, dealing with the "tag" Lacey so generously pointed out in email that I'd overlooked!