Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Awwwww Factor

I didn't get as much writing done today as I'd originally hoped. For lots of reasons. First, I was released from jury duty by 10:30, much earlier than I'd originally expected. You'd think that would be a good thing, but unfortunately, it meant I had to do real work: less than an hour after I got home, I had to attend a departmental meeting (by conference call) that sucked up another hour and change of my time. And then there's the fact that I am writing the Big Black Moment, and it's just slow going.

But there's another reason. Well, two actually:

Aren't they adorable? A friend of the family brought them home from the school at which she teaches, where they were found today. We don't know if their mother was feral or whether they were abandoned, but they seem to be only about five weeks old, which is too young to be without their mom. Fortunately, they seem to be eating solid food all right, so they should be okay. (Although I'm a little nervous about whether they'll get the hang of the cat box right away.) They're both boys and as yet unnamed; they're so little and unformed, it seems foolish to name them before they develop some personality.

We've been talking about getting a cat/kitten ever since one of the three we had disappeared back in July. I didn't initially think I'd take both of these little guys, but when I called my husband to clear taking one with him, he told me to take them both. Awwwwwww!

So, how was your day?


Anonymous said...

They're SO cute, Jacqueline. Your husband sounds like mine. :-)

They'll probably figure out the litter box on their own. I once had a kitten that was having a hard time understanding the whole concept, so what I did was take him to the box right after he finished eating. I also had to show him how to cover things up -- using HIS paw, of course, not my hand. ;-)

Jackie Barbosa said...

Hi Lynne,

They are incredibly cute, but also IMPOSSIBLE to tell apart. We know which one is which when we go to play with them because one is daring and the other is shy, but other than that, they are peas in a pod. Yet another reason for not naming them any time soon!

And they did figure out the litter box, thank heavens, although that doesn't mean they don't ever drag stuff out of it by mistake.