It was a very courteous form rejection letter. You know, "Thank you for your submission, but it's not right for us at this time." The sort of letter that can mean anything from "it's good but not our current cuppa" to "you can't write your way out of a paper bag." (Am I the only writer who'd actually like to read that in a rejection letter? I mean, I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd feel the editor/agent was being honest with me, ya know?)
So how disappointed am I?
Short answer: Very. I didn't expect to get this story published, but I had pretty high hopes (which my wonderful critique partners heightened with their praise, the rotters *g!)
Long answer: I know there are lots of reasons they might have passed over my story in favor of others. They don't publish a lot of historical genre stuff, for example, and my story was Regency-set. I knew I was taking a chance when I did that because they publish a lot more contemporary and paranormal stuff, but I don't "get" contemporary or paranormal stories in my head, so going there wasn't an option anyway. Also, I'm sure they have plenty of authors they've published before who send submissions for these things, and obviously, it makes more sense to publish an author who's sold for you before than an unpublished unknown like me. And then, there's just that whole taste thing. There really is no accounting for it.
Mostly, it's just frustrating and disappointing. I know I wrote a darned good story. I know people would have enjoyed reading it. But because I wrote it for a very specific publisher with a very specific call for submissions in mind, it may not be very marketable elsewhere. I'm poking around for other epublishers who might be interested in a Regency-set erotica under 15,000 words, but it doesn't seem there are very many! Most epubs want at least 20,000 words, and frankly, I'm not interested in adding 25% to a story that feels complete to me at its current length. Maybe I'll feel differently in a few months and revisit it then, but in the meantime, I'd rather let it eat up hard drive space in its current configuration than mess with it.
Does this mean I'm giving up? Hell, no! The only way to get published is to keep writing. To keep trying. And to keep getting better.
Hence, the title of today's post.
Oh, and just so I don't forget what's really important, here's a photo of my now-5yo son opening his birthday presents on Saturday.
Such a cutie!!!
And fwiw, it IS a good story. Let the Yeti argue your case. Arrrrrrrrgh!
Hugs! Rejections suck.
But don't give up ~ There's lots of other e-publishers out there. . . Cobblestone press publishes 'trysts' that are 10K -20K, try them.
And your son is absolutely adorable! Hope he had a great birthday.
Hi Pam,
Thanks for the idea of Cobblestone. I'd forgotten them in my list of epublishers. And it looks like I could submit CEA to them pretty much as it is (no synopsis requirement or anything) today if I wanted to. So I may just do that.
And thanks for the hugs, too. Rejection DOES suck, although I have to say that I think I'm taking it pretty much in stride, all things considered.
And Lacey, doesn't the Yeti sat "Urgggh?" (Sorry, folks, inside joke!)
hm, you may be right. Urggggh then!
Cobblestone does take subs that length, Pam's right.
I'm currently having a challenge with picking myself and dusting myself off, too.
I wish you much luck.
Too freakin' adorable he is!!! He'll be breaking hearts before you can blink an eye.
Can you make it longer and submit it to the aphrodisiac line?
What a cutie!
I know, it's easy to say 'don't get discouraged,' but to those of us who are still waiting to begin the rejection process, you're an inspiration just for submitting!
Don't give up! the publisher you put down in your blog, and said their books were mostly crap, rejected you?
Wow...I guess you're just way too good for them!
Actually, anonymous, I don't believe I said most of that publisher's books were crap. To the contrary, I said some of them were good to excellent and took on stories and subjects traditional publishers wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. I also said I thought epublishers would some day rival print publishers for readership.
What I did say is that the quality of epublished books (based on those I've read) seems spotty. I'm scarcely alone in that assessment. I know a number of exclusively epubbed AUTHORS who say the same thing. It's hardly news.
Notwithstanding, I didn't post that anonymously. I had the balls to post my name with my opinion.
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