Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday Madness

I have way too much on my plate. So much that I shouldn't be blogging, but I usually blog on Mondays and I hate to disappoint my public. (Yeah, I know. Allow me my delusions of grandeur.)

Long story short, I just finished changing the template for this blog so that it matches my website a little better. I'm sure when Erica gets back from Costa Rica (:-P), she can 'splain to me how to get the graphic's resolution a bit cleaner. Right now, it's too pixellated and the original isn't like that, so I must be doing something wrong. I also updated my website a smidgen and finally got the www version of the website address working.

In addition, I want to point out the new link on the right side there under the header Manuscript Mavens. Darcy Burke is now officially in the land of cyberspacer! Yay! I've also moved my links to Lacey and Erica up there, since they round out the Manuscript Mavens quartet.

Of course, that barely scratched the surface of what I'm hoping to get accomplished this week. Writing-related stuff aside (and there's loads of that--I'll tell you more on Wednesday, I promise), I have to get the cats into the vet, enroll my youngest son in kindergarten, and clean the house. Oh, and I haven't had lunch or a shower yet. Guess I better get crackin'!

So, what's on your agenda this week, writing-related or otherwise?


Ericka Scott said...

Pixelated, but nice. I like the new look. I just wish I could do something else other than just the standard templates.

My goal for this week is to finish the first draft of Postcards from the Dead. . .but, instead I'm surfing and blogging. . .shame on me!

lacey kaye said...

Yeah, I'm impressed, too. I'm totally a one-trick pony. Jacqueline's a stud!

Unknown said...

Very pretty and green!

This week:stop avoiding WIP. Less than 9,000 words to go. Dreading, DREADING query letter. Stop thinking about other plots that are keeping me from writing those 9,000 words. Stop reading crap books that are keeping me get the idea.

lacey kaye said...

LOL, Maggie!

Jackie Barbosa said...

Hey, Ericka, glad you like the look. FWIW, the template's really still just a Blogger canned one. The only thing I did was import the graphic and add a call to it up where the blog title and description are. It took a little patience and some screwing around to get it to the right size and position on the page, but it wasn't rocket science!

Maggie, I have SO been where you are! Finishing the first draft of ASL was MISERY. And boy, was I good at procrastinating! I won't crack the whip over you, though, just say that when you DO write the words "The End," you're going to feel like you're on top of the world.

And Lacey, you may be a one-trick pony, but its a pretty darned good trick *g!

Anonymous said...

Cute blog site. Ours is ho hum and humdrum.

My goal for the week - survive the week.

Must, must, must complete two shorts which are under contract and need to go out on 26-3. Also need to plant chapter two to five of book three.

At some point before the end of the month, must get the tag/blurb/and basic structure of book four on the books.

All in all, not much going on here - lol.


Jody W. and Meankitty said...

I'm doing the K-garten enrolling thing the first of April. This week, the girls and I are at Grandma's house enjoying the 70 degree temps before Tennessee summer really kicks in and I'm forced to retreat to an air conditioned cave. And yes, that sounds like my agent you mentioned somewhere else :).