Friday, March 09, 2007

Of Milestones and Manuscripts

Blogger is kind enough to inform me that this post is my 100th since I started this blog. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad one. It seems to me like I got to 100 rather quickly, which suggests I've been blogging rather too much and writing rather too little.

But either way, it's an exciting milestone and it got me thinking about a couple of other recently or soon-to-be-achieved milestones in my writing life.
  • I started writing A Scandalous Liaison a little over a year ago. (The file's properties claim February 19, 2006 as the creation date.) I hope to finish the third (and I hope both final and agent/editor submittable) draft by the end of this month. I'll be taking Candy Havens' Revision Hell course, starting March 19, in hopes of achieving this goal.
  • I found the Aspiring Romance Writers Yahoo! group and made my first post there on March 15, 2006. Through that loop, I met up with four of my critique partners, starting with Lacey and ultimately including Darcy, Erica, and Leigh. These ladies have all motivated and inspired me in countless ways. Without them, I'm sure I'd have given up on my first manuscript long ago.

All in all, it's been an amazing year. When I started writing Liaison, it was simply a compulsion. I had a story in my head and it had to get out. But then, about 40,000 words along, I started thinking, "Hey, this is pretty good. Maybe...just maybe...this could one day be a publishable book." And that led me to ARW, my critique partners, RWA, and contests. Contests I finaled in! Then, I actually finished the manuscript. (Oh, if you only knew how many quarter- and half-written books litter my past!) I was ballsy enough to query my manuscript to an agent. A little over a year after embarking on this journey, I'm eligible for RWA Pro status. In addition, I've submitted a manuscript to Ellora's Cave and, not to be beaten down by rejection, have already sent it on a wing and prayer to another publisher (Harlequin's Spice Briefs line is getting the next crack at it).

I know I still have a long, long way to go. But I feel I've already come an awfully long way.

So, on this 100th post day, I'm sponsoring a contest of my own. First, to be eligible for my prize, you must go over to Annie Dean's blog and comment on her 100th post. (She's offering either a $50 Amazon gift certificate or a box of Godiva chocolates--your choice--to the poster of the 100th comment, so there might even be something in it for you!) If you do that and post a comment here, I will enter your name in a drawing for my prize, which is to pay your entry fee for an RWA-chapter sponsored contest of your choice, not to exceed $35. We'll work out the details later!

Update: Lacey notes in her comment that I didn't specify a deadline for this little contest. Since Annie's already at 55 comments and counting, I don't think I can say it's closed when Annie gets her 100th comment. So, how about we close this next Wednesday?

UpUpdate: The winner of Annie's 100th comment contest was Carrie Lofty. I was number 99 and 101. How unfair is that? But you still gotta post on both Annie's blog and mine to be eligible for my prize.


Erica Ridley said...

Whoo! Way to rock the progress meter. As Virginia Slims would say, you've come a long way, baby. (Wait... what? I'm a writer and the best I can do is quote cigarette ads?)

Congrats on everything--keep forging ahead--you can dooo it!!! =)

lacey kaye said...

Wow, cool contest!! When's the deadline? I prolly can't get that done today. Although I'm already 50% there!

Ann Aguirre said...

Cool idea, Jac! Hey, I posted on my blog, do I get entered in your contest? :D

Thanks for the post. Thank you too, Lainey.

They posted my contest on Smart Bitches too. Yay!

Jackie Barbosa said...

Sure, Annie, you're entered in my contest! I just don't know what contest you'd want to enter with a fee of $35 of less, you being published by an RWA-recognized house and all...

Sarah Palmero said...

There are still contests you can enter if you're RWA-approved (tm). You just enter in the published category. And they're usually $35 or less.

Just sayin'. :)

And I'm actually posting with a question: Where'd you find the guidelines for the SPICE briefs line? Because the page on eHQ no worky.

Jackie Barbosa said...

Hi Sara! I know there are contests for published authors, but I confess, I didn't know whether they generally had fees associated with them and, if so, how much those fees would be.

As for the info on SPICE Briefs, two of my CPs forwarded the guidelines to me, which they'd received on various loops and such. I'd be happy to send you the information if you email me at guavaln at (And I'll send 'em to anyone else who emails me for 'em!)

lacey kaye said...

I posted on ann(ie)'s blog!

Pam Skochinski said...

I, too, posted on Annie's blog -- gee, and I really should be writing, writing, writing. . .only 200 more words for today's goal to be met and I can't seem to stop reading blogs. Sigh.

Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for the spice guidelines!

Beverley Kendall said...

I didn't even know Harlequin had a Spice Briefs line. I do like the new title though. I have to agree I like it better than Living in Sin.

I would probably get a whole lot more writing done if I stayed off writing forums and blogs less but you know, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

Enjoy your weekend!

Jody W. and Meankitty said...

If that's their Briefs line, what do you suppose their Boxers line be like? :)

And re: >>(Oh, if you only knew how many quarter- and half-written books litter my past!)

I want to know! Make that your next blog post! Let's all play fess up :).


Shelli Stevens said...

You sound like you're doing great with all the submissions! Good luck :)